Additional services are available as needed.

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Soil Test-March

Soil testing is the best guide to the wise and efficient use of fertilizer and soil enhancers. A soil test is basically an inventory of the nutrients available to plants and determining which are too high, too low or just right. A large quantity of mineral nutrients is removed from the soil as a result of plant growth and development throughout the year. A soil test will determine the current fertility status of your soil. It also provides the information needed to maintain the optimum fertility of the soil year after year. To put it simply, we test your soil’s ability to take up the chemicals we put down.

Pre-Emergent Weed Control with Fertilizer - March

Pre-emergent weed control is designed for application before weeds germinate, and is an effective preventative method for controlling weeds. The pre-emergent establishes a chemical barrier that will not kill established plants, but will prevent weeds from successfully growing. The protective barrier breaks down in six to eight weeks, therefore, the use of a pre-emergent  requires proper timing to be effective and should be applied  very early in the season. The fertilizer within the pre-emergent will help your grass to grow and make your lawn green.

Post-Emergent Weed Control with Fertilizer - April

Post-emergent weed control is designed to attack weeds that are already established and growing. All of the contact weed killers are post-emergents. This is applied later in the growing season, after weeds are established but before they have gone to seed. The fertilizer will help lawns stay green and healthy. The purpose of the September application is also to attack the established and growing weeds, as well as rebuild the turf after the stress of summer.


Fungicides are chemicals that control/eliminate the growth of fungi on your lawn. Contact fungicides are sprayed onto plants and act as a protective barrier from pathogen infection. They prevent infections from occurring when applied before symptoms are visible, but infections that have already occurred will continue to develop. Not every lawn will experience a fungus problem, but occasionally there will be times when a few fungi pop up in a lawn. Proper watering of your lawn (generally at 6:00 a.m. for 30 minutes) will help mitigate fungi.

Complete Insect Control-May

Complete insect control provides 90 days of protection from lawn grubs and pests. This product kills above and below ground insects, and has a systemic action that is absorbed by the grass and roots, thus killing the pests.

Early Summer Fertilizer-June/Late Summer Fertilizer-August

Early and late summer fertilizer is applied to nourish the grass and sustain the nice spring color of your grass throughout the summer.

pH Adjustment

The pH of your soil is very important for turf growth. The application of Lime will increase pH level and Sulfur will decrease pH.  The correct pH can restore depleted nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium, to your soil. Such nutrients are important to preserve your lawn's color and vigor and protect from damage caused by heat, drought or traffic stress. Calcium in particular helps to regulate other beneficial soil nutrients such as zinc, copper and phosphorus. Lime can lessen the toxic effects from a buildup of damaging nutrients like aluminum, manganese and iron in your lawn that will reduce plant growth. Lime has the ability to nourish beneficial bacteria in soil, especially when the lime is used in combination with compost. Most types of grass grow best in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6 and 7. If your soil pH is below 5.5, your grass won’t grow well and any extra applications of fertilizer will not help because highly acidic soil can’t absorb nutrients well.